Thursday, January 13, 2011

Seven Easy Christmas Party Games (Part 1)

What a wonderful time is Christmas! People around the world celebrate the birth of Jesus and share memorable times with family and other special people. It is also the time for Christmas parties, and lots of them.

While Christmas parties may be difficult to organise, these seven easy Christmas party games will make the job a little bit easier.

All I Want For Christmas is a good icebreaker game to introduce people who may not be very familiar with each other, such as a larger office party. Everyone sits in a circle. One player starts by introducing himself, saying, "My name is... All I want for Christmas is..." The player on his left must repeat the first player's name and want, and add their own name and want; "All (first player's name) wants for Christmas is... My name is... and all I want for Christmas is..." The phrase is built up around the circle by successive players until a player cannot repeat the list and is out. The phrase then starts again from scratch. Alternatively, players may be required to only repeat the previous two player's responses.

Christmas Stocking Story is a fun game for younger children to participate in the festivities. Children are seated in a circle and are given the name of an item that could be found in a traditional Christmas stocking, such as a colouring book, doll, train, teddy bear, etc. An adult story-teller begins to tell a story and each time their name or item is mentioned, that child stands up and turns around once before sitting down. When the word "stocking" is mentioned, everyone stands, turns around and sits again. The story-teller should try to include every child's name and item at least once. There are no winners or losers in this game.

All Tied Up is a team game for everyone to play, requiring a ball of red twine and a ball of green twine. Two teams of equal numbers are formed in separate circles. At a given signal, the first player on each team winds the twine once around their waist before passing the twine to the next player who does likewise and so on until one team (the winner) has finished unwinding all their twine and is all tied up!

Christmas Treasure is an active, quiet game that is played by two players at a time. Both players are blindfolded. One is given a small Christmas treasure such as a chocolate bar. Player start at opposite corners of a large table and has one hand on the table at all times. The player has attempted, the buried treasure, sneak the other players and beat on the top of the head in 1 / 32 limit, while the other player tries to avoid them. If the hunter is successful, she gets to keep the treasure. Otherwise, the first player to hold. This game can be played on several rounds to make sure no one missed the opportunity of a treasure.

Part 2 of Seven Easy Christmas Party Gamesconclude with two quieter party games and a fun gift exchange game.

Our website gives further details on these and a variety of other easy Christmas party games.

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