Sunday, January 2, 2011

21st Birthday Party Games

When it comes to having birthdays after the 16th and the 18th birthday, the next big milestone is hitting the big two-one that 21 - Blackjack! Some look at the twenty-first birthday as a key to casinos, legal drinking, and finally being an unrestricted adult. To others, the 21st birthday is just another reason to have friends over and have some fun.

One fun game that works for a 21st Birthday either situation is called The Interrogation. To play it, have players sit in a circle so that everyone can see each other easily. The game starts with one individual turning and looking at the person on his left. Then the first person asks the person sitting on his left any question (i.e., What color are your socks?). The second person doesn't answer the first question, but instead turns to the person on his left and asks another question, not one that has been asked before. That person turns to the person on his left and continues the process. Each time a question is being asked the two sides should try another.

A person is disqualified if answer to question (even if the answer in the form of a question that is not JEOPARDY), does not now and then the next question, issuing a statement rather than asking a question, repeating an earlier question, or the worst of the worse is when they laugh. The game continues until a person is left. If you drink the first-party game winds can beadjusted to require that, instead of exiting, the person to take a drink. Another variation would require the person would answer the question could not answer truthfully, just playing Spin the Bottle.

Another game, the birthday party fun alcohol shows that with or without effects is the game of Git'er Done! Divide guests into two teams to the Act with one or two guests as judges as moderators. Each team chooses a leader (usually the one with thebiggest booming voice). The leader pulls a task for his team out of hat that holds many. The tasks for each team will be bizarre and unpredictable. For example, a task may be to line up with the biggest big toed person on the left and the smallest big toed person on the right. When they are ready to start the moderator yells Git'er Done. When the team finishes there leader yells out - Got'er Done Sir! The moderators/judges check to see if the task was in fact completed successfully and declares a point or a forfeit. Drinks can be assigned with the forfeit to make it even more challenging. Regardless of alcohol, however, these party games are a lot of fun. Just try them and see for yourself.

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