Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Children's Birthday Party Games - Lots of Fun For Your Child's Celebration!

Coming up with children's birthday party games that are age-specific and fun can be difficult for an adult. After all, it has been many years since you have played such games. The party should be an exciting event for all guests. Keeping children entertained is not always easy, especially if you are not accustomed to entertaining multiple children at once. These children's birthday party games can help you come up with the perfect party schedule for your little one's big celebration!

Traditional Games

You may remember more traditional children's birthday party games. These fun activities include pin the tail on the donkey and a piñata. Remember to keep age in mind. For example, if you have a large number of young children, a piñata activity must be closely monitored to avoid injury of a stray swing. Very young children may also have a hard time breaking the piñata. In these situations, try a different type of game. For example, an outdoor party could have a hay hunt. Lay a tarp down and place hay over it, scattering prizes throughout. Children can then hunt through the hay looking for the prizes. The tarp underneath prevents prizes from falling into grass or dirt, and makes for easy clean up after the party.

Unique Party Games

Come up with your own children's birthday party games by adding a personal touch to an existing game. For example, take the classic scavenger hunt. This is perhaps one of the most children's birthday party games. By altering clues and items, you can follow any theme you like. Hide specific items that are somehow tied together. For example, if your child loves animals, hide plush animals and animal figurines to be found on the hunt. Come up with fun clues that match the theme. Rhyming clues are even better, and can make the event even more entertaining as children read them out loud to their team.

Competitive Party Games

Competitive children's birthday party games are ideal for an older group. These could be regular sporting events, such as soft ball or volley ball, or a different activity. Three legged races can be a lot of fun, and require team work which is a good practice for children. A relay race is similar, although does not require direct team work. Egg tosses are another great option; however keep in mind that this type of game can get messy. Always plan for potential problems during the activity. A stray egg could wind up all over someone's clothing or on an object, so make sure you enjoy these events outdoors in a place that allows for easy clean up. Other children's birthday party games that require running or quick movement should be given plenty of open space to avoid injuries.

Children's birthday party games come in many varieties. Choose ones that are age appropriate, or select a couple of different activities to do at once for parties involving a wide age range between guests.

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