Sunday, July 18, 2010

Party Games: Fun Mystery Games To Make Your Party A Success!

There are many party games sure to be a success, but everyone likes to come up with something special, different, and fun. One party game sure to please mystery lovers, and scavenger hunters alike, is a party game "Who done it" "Mission Possible" mystery. The key to this game working well and being sure to please is the all important step of planning.

It will take more then one person to plan and execute this party game mystery. To begin the party game, the guests arrive to find a "victim" (Stuff clothes, or use a doll, and add 'blood' and injuries to your victim). In the victim's hand, will be a clue, which will point these amateur sleuths to yet another clue. You can make this as complex, or as simple, as you want, moving throughout your neighborhood (or building)or simply keeping all the clues within your house and/or yard. Guests will divide up into teams, with the hosts being the 'detectives' who present the clues, and guide the amateur sleuths in solving the mystery to find out 'who done it.'

Occasionally, a particular party game participant will be required to act out a scene, or be confronted with evidence against them. They can prove their innocence, dispute the charges against them, or be temporarily jailed; if the other sleuths are convinced the evidence against their fellow partygoer is compelling. There can be jail breaks, and subterfuge according to how your guests react to the prompts you give them. Half the fun is seeing how each guest improvises to cast blame, and convince everyone which person committed the crime.

The real fun of this party game is the imagination of, not just the hosts who orchestrate the mystery, but the sleuths who solve it. One thing is certain, this game is sure to always be a success, and though the 'who done it' party game takes effort, imagination, and planning, it is a party that will be enjoyed by all, and is sure to be remembered as the best party game of all!

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