Sunday, October 3, 2010

Kid Party Games - kids

Boys play differently than girls. They tend to be both competitive and full of energy. Most of the boys have wet and dirty work, more physical. If you are a single sex party for your child, here are some great games and entertainment ideas.

Balloon water bombs

Half fill with water balloons. Divide the children into two teams. Let them stand facing each other. Enter a team with water balloons. They throw the ball to their partner. L 'Partner takes a step back and throws the ball back to his partner. Who needs to go back one step and so on. The couple that throws the ball as far without bursting, is the winner.

Water Balloon bowling

This is a great game in the summer. Play cricket with a bat plastic balloons filled with water as the balls. Each boy is to take a chance and the bat. Make sure there are many balloons balloons for the kids wet fun.

Paint Ball

Fill with balloonswater-soluble paints. Half fill with the red and the other with blue paint. Be sure to instruct, guests who have old clothes and bring a change of towels. Divide the kids into two teams - the red team and blue. To identify the teams give each a good T-shirt or a scarf around her head in her team colors. Create a strip of no man's land - you do not want the boys to close when they throw. You have to try members of the opposing team hit the ball. When a boy is takensitting outside. The winning team is the one with the boy stronger United Nations.

You can also use a dryer version of the game with balls of flour. Place flour in cooking socks and tie it off. As the flower balls to leave someone a white flag, that person is sitting on it. Members must wear dark clothes and is not necessary to distinguish between two colors teams.

Obstacle course

This is a wonderful way for kids to spend to save energy. Create an obstacle course in your garden.Tables and chairs for children are under or climb over. A pool of magnification to wade through them. Older children can climb trees and monkey bars run around the house, etc. Take a walk out through the course using a lot of imagination. The first is through the course of the winners.

Treasure Hunt

Divide the children into two groups. Give them to find a list of articles. These items can be outside - long leaf, round leaves, feathers, stones, etc., or inside - crayon, video, pillows,Spoon, toy, etc. Depending on their age between points 20 and 30 of the list. This keeps them very busy. Another version is to be said for any group to find the words for each letter of the alphabet - apple, ball, comic books, etc. They can be very inventive.

Happy Puppy

Enter each take three Boy marshmallows in his mouth. ask to speak with a marshmallow in his mouth. "Happy Puppy" Enter another marshmallow for each child, who could say the words clearly. You mustPut the marshmallows in their mouths next and repeat the words. Repeat this process. Every guy can not say the words is clear. Next to the last state can say the words. Great for mom - great for kids.

Swing Ball

Tie a ball on a piece of string. Let stand in the middle of boy left with his friends in a circle around him. He throws the ball by holding it just above the ground. All the kids jumping rope when it comes to them. If you touchthe string, or the guy next to swing the ball.


Sack race, two-legged race, egg race, relay team, etc. - Any type of racing is generally appreciated by most of the boys

Traffic light game

All the kids in line. The birthday child is about 10-15 steps with his back to the boys. Dice green and the other boys to him until he says go, and turns red. Who sees you move. He turns around again andSays Green. Turns to red on the spot to move a guy. The winner is the first to arrive at the "traffic light".

Sharky Sharky

Part child begins as Sharky. He walks around the house, while the other guys follow him singing "Sharky, Sharky, which is the time." He then responds with an 'O Clock or 5' O Clock. This continues until "dinner," she says and turns around and take one of the boys. The boy then starts Sharky. Changing the subject this game with wordsSpiderman or the captain of a pirate theme instead of Sharky.

Here are other fun games and ideas.

Remember, the goal is for everyone to have fun - even you.

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