Friday, August 13, 2010

July Fourth Party Games and activities for Independence Day Celebration

Whenever you set things up for the quarter, you certainly should not forget, a couple of good games in July with the fourth. The structure of the game will help the party during recessions and help all concerned.

A good game "Marble Game". This is a good game for young children. Let us all stand in a circle and the hand of a marble white or blue to any person other than a red marble that is out of hand. NextPlay music and some participants have obtained their marble, the person to their left, like a person a hand of marble on the left who will receive a ball from the right. Keep doing this until you stop playing music. At that time, those receiving treatment blue marbles from a bag to take around with it, and man is stuck with the red marble have banned the center of the circle for three rounds. While in the center of the circle have to dancethe music played as her. This can be very fun as participants begin to come with their wild dance moves. After three races, back to the circle. This game can go on forever or until everyone has had the opportunity to address at least one out of the bag.

Another great party game for the fourth is the "Balloon Toss' game. This game can really help them adapt to balloons for each part, only changing colors. In this game you must fill in red, whiteand blue balloons with water and divide the guests into teams of two. Then throw the water balloon back and forth. The team that can hold water balloons are going longer without the Balloon Popping the winners.

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