Thursday, September 30, 2010

Birthday Party Games for Kids

The boys are wild and like to play hard. Some favorite party games that our boys have figured out how. You can use the rules of the games, if you want, just have fun!

Water shooting

It 's like the classic cowboys and Indians game. The boys are divided into teams and armed with spray guns. The object is to soak the opposing team. No hostages, right in the midst of war. Maybe you want to ensure that they bring extra clothes oronly the game on a hot summer day games. There are all types of weapons available water, even the dollar stores various shapes and sizes at our disposal.

Three Legged Race

With this game, it is important that children are in the vicinity of the same size or you could pull and hurt each other. boys like to be able to accompany an adult. Pair up the kids into teams of two. Tie the right leg to left leg of the team. The goal is to run together as a unit and finish theFirst race. You can use this interesting doing a course or you can have an easy race from point A to point B

It was

The boys all have a gun and holster, or a sword and holster, and they are playing war. I encourage the children in their arms at any other point, however, pretend to shoot at the feet of their victims and dance for you. Imagination usually takes control of the boys, and find ways to become super heroes, cowboys,Bad guys, regardless of their group and they seem to need to act what you can imagine.


Kids can dress up in pirate costumes and implement their favorite movie pirates. From treasure hunting to a duel of the games are limited only by your imagination ... or the imagination of children.

Spoon Race

It takes both a spoon and an orange, an apple, a tomato, a small ball or an egg, to play this game. The players have all played a spoonin the teeth and pass the point of touching with the hands. The article was intended to make the end without falling, but with younger children this can be difficult.

A twist on this game, players on the spoon then place your hands behind your back and run towards the finish line without the post room.

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