Monday, June 14, 2010

Beach Party Games with the Surf and Sand for Summer Fun

When you are looking to put together some beach party games remember to make use of the natural elements on the beach for all of your fun. The Sun, Sand and Surf will help make any party great fun.

The simplest beach party game may be building a sandcastle contest. This can be geared towards kids or adults. Just remember to have everyone bring whatever they will need to make their own sand castle, buckets, shovels and accessories. Afterwards if the surf hasn't washed the sandcastles away you can hold a judging of the castles and award a small prize to the team that built the best one.

Water football can be both fun and help guests to use up any extra energy they may have. Just make sure that you have a ball that will float in the water and a way to clearly define the goals. Also its probably a good idea to make this touch football since its in the water. You certainly don't want a lot of pile-ups in the ocean. This can also be played on the sand or in the surf where the waves are just enough to slow down players.

A beach scavenger hunt can be lots of fun. Before the party make up lists of unusual items to find at the beach, such as a pair of socks or candles. Do put some easier to find items on the list, like shells and sunscreen. During the party have players get into teams and give them an hour to find as much stuff from the list as they can. At the end of the hour those with the most items are the winners.

At the end of the day you can tally up which teams or people won the most games and activities and hand out beach medals in the form of seashell necklaces.

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