Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Bachelorette Party Games

Games can take a bachelorette party from boring to fun. Depending on the theme and atmosphere of the bash, you can have either wholesome or sexy games. Read on for some ideas to help you make your choice.

Toilet paper dress contest. Split the guests into groups of three to four, and give them rolls of toilet paper. One of them will serve as the 'model,' while the rest will be 'fashion designers.' The objective is to dress the model as fashionably as possible using only toilet paper (no pins or sewing!). The group with the best-dressed model wins.

Scavenger Hunt. If you are holding the bachelorette party in a spacious house or a big garden, this is the perfect game. Cleverly hide prizes such as aromatherapy candles or spa treatment gift certificates in different places around the venue. Write down several clues on small pieces of paper - one clue should lead to another. Then, divide the girls into several teams groups and see who gets the 'treasures.'

Pin the tail on the donkey, adult style. Make the bride-to-be and her guests blush with this mischievous game. You need a poster of a sexy male model in his underwear, and penis cutouts from magazines. Blindfold the bride, lead her in front of the poster, and spin her around. Ask her to pin the penis cutout and see where it lands! Make the guests take turns in this fun game.

Sculpture challenge. Buy some soft clay from the hardware or toy store and ask the each of the participants to mold a penis out of it. Whoever sculpts the best-looking penis wins this naughty game! Let the bride either sculpt or be the judge.

Consequence card game. If the bride and her guests are more adventurous, they will surely love this game, which is best played in a bar or hip restaurant. Purchase some readymade 'consequence cards' from specialty gift shops or make some yourself. A 'challenge' is written on each card - it can be as simple as having to get a man to buy drinks for the group, or as daring as lap dancing on a complete stranger. Let everyone pick a card and do the challenge. Anyone who quits has to pay a buck or two. This not only a fun game, but also a great way to raise money for more drinks.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Two Cat Party Games for the Kids

Meow, these cat party games will delight the whole family and you're party will be a hit with the kids who are always entertained with fun games.

Kitty Cat Scavenge:

Give the adults at the cat party games a chance to rest with these cat party games. Before the party starts you should have hide a range of objects around the cat party games area and made a list of them. Make copies of the list to give one to each group of three or four players. This includes one cat leader (who will be the adult) and the rest will all be kitty cats. The players in each group will decide before the game on a special kitty cat meow they will call out when someone in the group has found an object. When a 'cat' has found one of the objects they must make the sound that they've chosen until their team leader gets up and goes to retrieve the object from the cat player.

Players cannot bring the objects to the team leaders. Those teams who have managed to find the most objects are the winners of the cat party games.

Feeding Time:

This is a funny but messy cat party game for the guests to play at your party. Set up a finish line with clean bowls of cereal or some other type of food on the floor or have each bowl resting on a chair if you feel it's more hygienic. Then create a starting line where each of the 'cats' or players will line up and get ready to race. As your go, each of these cat players will rush to their own bowls of food and eat all the cereal in them, without using their hands, then when their bowls are empty they'll rush back to their starting line.

These two cat party games are great activities to get your guests involved in. Plus you'll get the kids at the party so worn out they won't be bouncing off the walls later on.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Thomas the Train Party Games - All Aboard for Fun Party

If your little conductor is having his favorite train over for his party, why not throw a few Thomas the train party games into the mix? With all those passengers coming aboard you'll need some fun activities to keep them busy. Here are a couple of Thomas the Train party games to keep your young guests entertained.

"Pass the Whistle" Thomas the Train party game

This game is much like Musical Chairs Have. You will have your guests sit in a circle, and then you hand a train whistle to the "Conductor"! The whistle is passed around the circle, until someone calls time or stop, or you can even use music just like musical chairs! Which ever guest is left holding the whistle is out. Keep this going until there is a winner! If you want to you can make the train whistle the prize for this game! If you are gong to use music for this Thomas the train party game try to find some "train" music like "She'll Be Comin' 'Round the Mountain"!

"The Conductor Says" Thomas the Train Party Game

This Thomas the train game is just like Simon Says, but with the slight variation of having your "Simon" wearing a conductor's hat! The children gather in a group, and the Conductor gives them instructions, such as "The Conductor says jump up and down" or "The Conductor says clap your hands". Anyone who follows a command which isn't preceded by "The Conductor says..." leaves the game.

Using these ideas as a start, there are plenty of others that will also work well if you're organizing a Thomas the Train party. Games, food and lots of just top it off. It doesn't take much to ensure that your child and his or her friends will have a whistling and chugging good time!

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Top 5 Creative and Fun Party Ideas For Senior Citizens

Who says grannies and grandpas cannot have all the fun they can get? Well, you might find it a bit challenging to play a really great part for senior citizens but it is definitely possible. Just remember that it should be about them and what they like. To give you an idea, here are some of the best and top five creative and fun party ideas for senior citizens which you may want to try:

1. Guess that baby - If it's possible, you can ask all the attendees of the party to bring in a picture of themselves back when they were still a baby. But if it's too much to ask and there's just no way for them to get as far back as that well, maybe an adolescent picture or a toddler one will do. You can place a wall for this during the party where they can pin their pictures on or have it placed inside a fishbowl and then let them obtain a piece to guess as you guys begin to play it.

2. Concert - Everybody loves music. If you want to see them groove and belt it out wholeheartedly then creating a concert with a specific theme or with an interesting prize would do the trick. Let them group themselves or enter individually, doing either a song, dance or even a song and dance number to entertain the party and give it more life.

3. Play Jeopardy - Or if the oldies are not so much familiar with this one, you can already stick with using a game show format showcasing questions on trivia. You can pick entertainment topics like songs, movies, and celebrities which belong to the era that the senior citizens attending the said party will be familiar with.

4. Organize a bingo night - This is a good alternative if you have senior citizens who would need to be in wheel chairs or assistance as they attend the party. This way they would really get to enjoy the night without the need of worrying who will be assisting them. Plus, a bingo night can also be created around a certain theme. You can spice it up whichever way it would be more applicable for the time of the occasion and also for the attendees.

5. Have an auction party - You can ask the attendees to bring in some valuable items that they would like to auction off. You can turn it into a real auction party, with the proceeds going for some charitable institution or for the benefit of the attendees themselves. You can also add a fun twist to this auction proceedings and make it one of the games in the senior citizen party. Everyone would surely marvel at some of the most classic valuables that these people would be able to bring.

In the end you need to make sure that the ideas you will turn into reality will be appreciated by the attendees. It would also be a better idea to know the condition of the party-goers to make sure you have a comfortable place where the party will be held.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Order your Thanksgiving Turkey Day Party With Fun Games

Oh, Thanksgiving ... the smell of your oven roasting Turkey drool on your guests before they enter the door, too, why not engage in some fun games thanksgiving to keep their stomachs birds at bay until the finish is.

When choosing games thanks, remember that you want all games get put into play are all in once, on Thanksgiving is a family party, and nobody should be excluded. Fun, of course, you can assign to a game of your family members to monitor the pre-dinner, so you can keep the kitchen and a foot in both eyes on the bird.

There are an unlimited number of Thanksgiving games online and offline. Here are some top picks for your Thanksgiving schedule off to a great one.

Turkey Bingo - The traditional game is easy to play for all ages. If you have a lot of younger boysVisitor, you might want to choose a bingo-style photos, rather than words, letters or numbers. Bonus: When is your type of family, fighting for the sticks, make that the price for Bingo winners. Otherwise, how about the first piece of cake? Who is thankful for that? - Give each guest a sheet of paper and ask them to write what I am grateful. Tell them to show someone what they wrote. Collect the cards and have a person in the notes aloudThe rest of the family guess who wrote each note grateful. Play for a prize or present. Family Trivia - have someone in the family provides a list of facts and little known family members make a special family competition curiosity by questions on the basis of this list. If this sounds like too much work, try a traditional Thanksgiving Trivia Quiz and calcium. Each or a mixture is perfect for Thanksgiving. Right Left Thanksgiving Game - DoDoes your family sit in a circle and pass a couple of random prices. Read a story with several articles on the right and left, as family members passed around the circle of prices. Every time I hear the word correctly, that the price on right side occur, and every time I hear the word, you must pass to the left. If history is over, get the owner to maintain prices. If you want your family to scare a bit 'detergent opportunity to send vouchers throughout theCircle instead of prices. Well - it's a fairly exciting Pictionary Choose your meal after clean-up crews. Thanksgiving, if you see, have a blackboard or whiteboard provided enough for the whole family, Pictionary is much good. Create greeting with an element of Thanksgiving related paper, and family members take turns drawing that takes items out of the tub, while the rest of the family suspects that they draw. Play for fun, one familyWriting at a time or divide into teams and have a full competition. If there is a large family and can have enough words of thanks are connected deciding round, you can add items to be grateful.

Now, Let's Eat!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Two games Silly Oscar Party

Get out the glitter; don't forget the balloons for these Oscar party games will really make your Oscar party a lot more fun.

Award Night Initial Answers:

As the guests arrive have them choose personas for the party from slips of paper in a mixed bag. These personas can be anyone as long as they are or were famous in Hollywood. The Oscar party games just wouldn't be the same if you made someone play Woodrow Wilson. Why that's a president, not an actor! Then start initial answers by gathering your guests together in a group. Each guest will know their own persona, but no one else will. Ask the guests one at a time a simple question like, "Where do you hail from?" The guest has to answer with two words that begin with their persona's initials. So a Robert DeNiro might hail from, 'River Dell.' As an extra part to the Oscar party games other players will try to guess each other's personas from the initials each uses to answer questions with.

Award Night Suit:

The guests really needs to get dressed for the Oscar party games, but he has nothing to wear! So you'll gather the guests into two separate teams to create a suit for the guests out of newspaper. Each group will need two newspapers and plenty of safety pins. Also each group will need to use one male member of their group to model the suit and to hopefully stand very still while the suit is being made around him. At the end of say fifteen minutes each male model shows off Oscar's choices for a suit and the rest of the party votes on which group has the best Oscar party games suit.

With these two Oscar party games you won't go wrong in creating a Hollywood themed party that's hilarious and creates lasting memories for everyone, and two newspaper suits for two lucky guys.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

How to Plan a Backyard BBQ

How to Plan for a Backyard BBQ Party
Grilling out is one of America's favorite pastimes. Many of us
are happy with just cooking out for our family, but including
neighbors, friends, and coworkers can also be an equally
enjoyable time. This is a fun way to socialize, plus you get the
chance to make new friends by having a backyard BBQ

Like most other parties, planning is required. Proper planning
helps to ensure that your party will turn out the best that it
can be. Once you make the decision to host a backyard
BBQ party, grab a pencil and paper and start writing down
the foods that you plan to serve, as well as foods that others
enjoy. In addition to meats (sirloins, ribs, etc), popular side
dishes may include toss salads, baked beans, coleslaw, plus
potato chips and dip.

Of course, the main feature of BBQ'ing in ones backyard is
grilling the meat and adding the sauce. The side dishes
should be well prepared beforehand, and you may even
ask a few of your guest if they can bring a small dish. This
encourages participation! Make sure to prepare the side
dishes either the day before, or the morning before the
event. That way when the guests arrive, all that is left for
doing is the cooking of the meats.

There is also certain activities that could entertain the
members of your party. Adult games could include
horseshoes, badmitton, card games, or frisbee. If children
are attending, you may even include child friendly games.
If you happen to have a swimming pool, great fun can be
had but make sure that lifejackets are worn, and no
swimming is permitted for 30 minutes after finishing their

And before all of this take place, an invitation list must be
made. Simply jot down who you wish to invite and include
their phone number, their email address, or their physical
address. That way invitations can be sent by phone, email,
or postal. And for the best results, try to arrange this party on
a sunny day so that everyone that attends will have fun.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Chinese New Year Party Games

The following make great party games for your Chinese New Year Party.

Wonderment Chinese New Year Party Games

The Wonderment game is sure to take the players of your Chinese New Year party game by awe. The Wonderment game is played with just two people in the party who will be in the know of the game, resulting in "wonderment" for all the others. First, before the commencement of this Chinese New Year game, two players need to agree on a signal word such as the word "and". Then one of them declares that he/she is gifted with second sight and that he/she can name, through a closed door, any object touched by any person. The player then chooses a confederate as if by random, while actually selecting the other player. Then the player leaves the room and the selected player proceeds to call out different objects. The trick is to call out a variety of objects but precede the selected object with the signal word. For instance, the player can call out "table, rug, piano, footstool and chair, inkstand, lamp", adding a lot of object names to confuse the other player. The player then touches a chair in the room and asks the other player "what am I touching now"? The player will answer "Chair" to the amazement of everyone present in the room. Of course, the player finds the right answer because the signal word "and" was spelt immediately before the word "chair".

When played skillfully, the Wonderment Chinese New Year party game will fill your Chinese New Year party with a lot of amazement and wonder.

Postman's Knock Chinese New Year Party Games

The Postman's Knock Chinese New Year party game begins with one player going out of the room and giving a postman's knock (a double knock) at the door. One of the players must stand inside and answer the knocks made. First, the player should ask the postman "Who is the letter for?" The postman then names a member of the Chinese New Year party game, usually of the opposite sex. The player then must ask the postman how many cents need to be paid. The postman replies with a number say "six". The person for whom the letter is meant for will then pay the postman with the same number of kisses, instead of cents. The person then takes the turn as postman and the Chinese New Year party game continues.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Baby Turns 1 years old - A First Birthday Party Celebration!

A baby's first birthday is a milestone to cherish. Growth and development happen so fast in those first years that it is worth an extra special celebration. Planning a first birthday is easy to do, and any party planning specialist from a party supply store will be more than happy to help you.

Themes to celebrate your baby's first birthday can include a number of characters holding the number 1. Plain characters, a color or other party theme can also be used if your baby shows a favorite. Pink is very popular for girls and any shade of blue is tops with boys.

A tradition at many 1st birthday parties is to let baby smash their cake. They get their own cake, whether it's big or small depends on you and how much of a mess you want to clean up. Put the cake on their high chair tray and let them pick away at it with their bare hands is entertaining. The first taste of sugar and frosting may prove to be a great photo op for any guests. Removing any important clothes is recommended at this point!

Create a special scrapbook for baby to remember their party. Clip a piece of wrapping paper from every gift to tape on a page. Add a paragraph of who it was from and what was in it. Special notations of how long it took baby to open the present are fun to read over when they are grown up.

When sending thank you notes, include a picture of baby with the cake and frosting smashed all over their face. The picture will be cherished for years, whether it is a friend or relative receiving it. The picture also works well at high school graduations and weddings and gets a good laugh.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Throw a Spooktacular Halloween Hunt Party

As Halloween approaches so do the preparations for all sorts of monster bashes. Here are some great ideas to make your party a "spooktacular" success by combining the Halloween classic games and activities with a ghoulishly fun Halloween hunt!

Set the stage for your party. For younger children keep it "friendly scary" with happy ghosts, jack-o-lanterns, corn stalks, and scarecrows to accompany the classic orange and black décor. For older children and adults the sky is the limit for as creepy and ghoulish as you wish to be with your decorations. Don't forget to set the overall mood using some blue light bulbs or other dim lighting, and the perfect music selection of spooky tunes to fill the air.

Plan a Halloween treasure hunt to be the highlight of your party. Kids love the thrill of a hunt and when the clues lead them about all sorts of spooky Halloween characters and creatures the excitement is doubled. Plan out a fun trail of clues that when solved will lead your guests all about your Halloween decorations including ghosts, witches, spiders and more. The hunts can be planned for indoors or outdoors. Hide your clues before the party begins, when you're ready to start the hunt simply hand the children the first clue and send them off on their hunt for the next clue. Plan a treat either at each clue stop or some final treat bags for all the guests at the final destination. There are great printable ready-to-play Halloween hunts available online at Treasure-Adventure if you need help with your clue creation. (

Don't forget the classic Halloween party games, these can be a great way to break the ice and get your party going. Plan a game of "bobbing for apples", you can use any large metal or plastic pale (plastic witches cauldrons make great bobbing containers) simply fill the container with water add apples and you're ready to go. Remove the stems from the apples to make it more challenging. Pin the wart on the witch; a Halloween version of pin the tail on the donkey is a simple and fun game for younger children. Plan an activity such as carving small jack-o-lanterns to send home with the guest, although younger children may need more guidance on this project.

No Halloween party could be complete without some ghost stories, and this can be a great way to bring an end to your evening, choose a selection of age appropriate tales for your guests. For older children you can't go wrong with some of the old favorites "who stole my little toe", or the story of the creepy guy following the young girl flashing his headlights, that turns out to be alerting her of the man hiding in her backseat. Many great tales are readily available online. For younger children stick with more friendly monster, Halloween and ghost stories.

The bottom line is if you can bring together the basics of ghost and ghouls, candy and treats, games and activities, and ghostly tales you will surely have a "spooktacular" Halloween party.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Free Games Part Four July

Planning for a fourth party in July? Here are two exciting fourth July Board games that children are sure to entertain.

The July 4th Party Cat and Mouse Game

On July 4 party game Cat and Mouse is a children's game of the two groups. Divide the children into two groups and sit in two rows facing each other. Leave enough space between the two series, running around the children. Select two childrenWhen the game - one of the "cat" and the other the "mouse". Blindfold both children and place the child in the cat at one end of the line and baby mice at the opposite end of the line.

Rolls of party game in action when the cat tries to capture "the" mouse ". Both children started running in opposite directions, with the Bureau to conduct themselves. The campaign to catch the cat, try the mouse is a beautiful and one is sure to excite the 'Children who are watching the game. Amid shrieks and laughter when the mouse finally caught the cat, playing with two other children the game of cat and mouse.

The Alphabet Game July 4 Patriotic

Another interesting game that children like to play the party on July 4 is the game Alphabet patriotic. It's July fourth special learning game that involves a lot of fun. This game you need a box full ofLetters. Can this or any toy store, if you want to convert the other in a fun activity, children can arrange the letters of newspaper clippings - a fun way to start a new game to prepare.

Have the participants of the 4th July party seated around a table. Shuffle and deal with their alphabets. Children should be the word of the States forming the letters to them. For this, the entire list of 50, May be given at the beginning of the game. The patriotic alphabet game is a fun way for children to learn not only to form new words, but also the different names of States.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Corporate Party Games revive - your next job function

Anywhere in business, games for two reasons, a lot - allow colleagues to engage and have fun together, and this is an icebreaker for people who know they can not. Here are 2 games party games at your next corporate culture:

"The Gift of Game" Corporate Party Game

This is one of the simplest games, but is still very funny. Before purchasing the event, and only 10 wrapGifts for the game. Before guests arrive, hide coins in 10 and beyond, where the party will take place. Guests must check and replace the coins that people are able to coin one of the gifts until it opens them to find. All party goers stand or sit in a circle with one person reading a fictional story that the words "left" and "right" several times. Whenever the word "law" is mentioned, are the guests right on their gifts, andwith the word "left." Once the story is over, allow people to take to keep the gifts.

"Pass the" If Game Party Corporate

This is more than many other games companies, requires the cooperation and imagination. Partygoers have others stand in two circles. A player from each circle starts the game with a hat that has a circle, with no one to go with your hands. The first team to gohat round is the winner.

In almost every part of the office, the games can generate laughs and make the event great fun for everyone. All we need is a little 'imagination, and people are ready to have "a go' in 'team building interest and a good time.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Valentine Trivia and Party Games

Valentines Day games and activities with the history of Valentine's in step with the party theme. Use the following information in Word, create, find quizzes, games and Scramble.

Valentine was a priest during the third century served. February was a month of romance. February 14th was devoted one day, the Roman goddess Juno. Juno was the queen of Roman gods and goddesses. The Romans also knew her as the goddess of women andMarriage. The celebration featured a lottery in which young people recall the names of teenage girls from a box. The girl assigned to each young man in this manner would be his companion during the remaining years.

Valentine's Day, as we know it today, contains traces of Roman and Christian tradition. The Emperor Claudius II decided that single men made better soldiers than those with wives and families, prohibited marriage for young men. Valentino took degreesInjustice. He defied the emperor and secretly performed marriages for young lovers. When Valentine's actions were discovered, the emperor ordered that he be executed. Valentine sent the first 'Valentine' greeting himself. While in prison, it is believed that Valentine had a platonic love for the jailer's daughter who visited him often during his imprisonment. Before his death, said he wrote a letter which he signed "From your Valentine", a term we still use today. Love,another symbol for the holidays, has been associated with, because he was the son of Venus was the Roman goddess of love and beauty. Cupid often appears on Valentine cards. When Cupid shoots his arrow with you, you're sure to fall head-over-heels.

Try these fun party game Valentines Day

The hole in the sticks: tied with a stick for every boys life and his hands behind his back, looking chopsticks can become a whole (put a paper cup). A more mature version wouldto tie the cup to a female participant.

Valentine party supplies such as paper plates, napkins, cups, and are a great way to complete a Valentine's theme party. With Valentine's Day Heart Party decorations like balloons as a centerpiece can also double as party prizes. Party favors like Valentine candy, cards, jewelry or flash suit a Valentine's theme party.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Madagascar Party Games - Have Fun in the Jungle

If your child likes Madagascar, why not throw a Madagascar party, games and all, for their next birthday? This is a party theme with so many ideas to go with; you will find something fun for everyone to do! Below are a couple of ideas for Madagascar party games to get you started. Let the animals loose and let's have a zoo-rific time with these fun Madagascar party games.

Pin the Tail on the Alex

This Madagascar party game is just like playing pin the tail on the donkey, but using the Madagascar theme. If Alex isn't your favorite character in Madagascar us Gloria the Hippo, or Melvin the giraffe, or how about the birthday boy himself Marty the zebra! For something a little more unique, you can have a penguin and let your guests pin the fish in his mouth!

Penguins on the Loose

For this fun Madagascar party game, you'll need to make quite a few penguins out of cardboard prior to the party (stencils are readily available online). Hide the penguins around the yard, or house, and have you animal control party guests round up those zoo escapees! If you want to make things a little more difficult for your party animals, attach Velcro to the penguins and have cardboard cut out nets with Velcro to "capture" the escapees with!

A Madagascar theme is one that works well for young children's parties. Using these fun Madagascar party game ideas as a starting point, it's easy to adjust traditional games, or even invent some of your own. Your child's next birthday party will truly be one to remember.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

6 Fun Twilight Party Games

This fall the sequel to the blockbuster Twilight will be in Theaters. Fans everywhere are counting the days and minutes 'til New Moon comes to theaters. There still over three weeks until its release. So how can fans pass the time? They can do by having a Twilight themed party. One thing that can make your Twilight/New Moon party a success is the entertainment and games. A great game will help to make a party more fun and get everyone into the spirit of the party. It will also be imaginative and incorporate important details from the theme. Here are some great suggestions you can use at your event.

First have New Moon or Twilight Jeopardy. Test guest's fandom with question concerning the Twilight Series, the actors in the movie, and any other related bits of trivia. You can actually play the Jeopardy game as either an individual or in teams. Otherwise the rules remain the same. You create a game board with categories and points and everyone has to phrase answers in the form of a question. The person or team that wins could get collectible Twilight Items.

A fun idea for a Halloween party game is to have Twilight bobbing for apples. Give each guest gets a set of fake fangs and has to "sink their teeth" into the apples to get them. Make it more fun by setting a time limit. The person who has the most apples wins.

Another great idea is to have a game of who said what. Have you or someone else at the party read key lines from either the Twilight or New Moon novels. Then have guests guess which character said the line or phrase. This is a great way for Twilight fans to show off their knowledge and read some of their favorite part in the novels.

Vampires have an extraordinary sense of smell so the next game should be appropriate for your party and quite interesting. Get a collection of items with smells that your guests should be able to recognize. It can be anything from perfume, to food, or everyday household items. Make sure that no one can see the items. Blindfold each participant and have them guess what item they smell. You can make it more interesting by adding some more difficult scents in the mix. You can give bonus points to participant who can identify them.

There are also some great board games you can buy at your local bookstore or Wal-Mart. You can purchase Twilight Themed DVD games, Monopoly, or other games and have a game night. Of course make sure to have everyone play the short time version of these games. You want everyone to have the chance to enjoy the rest of the party.

Another idea is to have costume contest. Have guests and couples dress as key characters from the Twilight series. Then give great door prizes to the people with the best costumes. You can also have look-a-like contests. Give special awards to individuals who look most like the characters from the Twilight movies.

There are many other great ideas that you can use for party games. Just use your knowledge of the movie and the books combined with your imagination to come up with fun and original games that will help to add excitement to your party.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Beach Party Games with the Surf and Sand for Summer Fun

When you are looking to put together some beach party games remember to make use of the natural elements on the beach for all of your fun. The Sun, Sand and Surf will help make any party great fun.

The simplest beach party game may be building a sandcastle contest. This can be geared towards kids or adults. Just remember to have everyone bring whatever they will need to make their own sand castle, buckets, shovels and accessories. Afterwards if the surf hasn't washed the sandcastles away you can hold a judging of the castles and award a small prize to the team that built the best one.

Water football can be both fun and help guests to use up any extra energy they may have. Just make sure that you have a ball that will float in the water and a way to clearly define the goals. Also its probably a good idea to make this touch football since its in the water. You certainly don't want a lot of pile-ups in the ocean. This can also be played on the sand or in the surf where the waves are just enough to slow down players.

A beach scavenger hunt can be lots of fun. Before the party make up lists of unusual items to find at the beach, such as a pair of socks or candles. Do put some easier to find items on the list, like shells and sunscreen. During the party have players get into teams and give them an hour to find as much stuff from the list as they can. At the end of the hour those with the most items are the winners.

At the end of the day you can tally up which teams or people won the most games and activities and hand out beach medals in the form of seashell necklaces.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Fun Summer Parties

Have you ever wanted to host a quaint summer party in your backyard? Many families across the country have summer parties especially for the summer holidays. They invite their neighbors and friends and they have a blast. Summer is a time for fun, food, and family and parties are the perfect way to include all of those things. Although, it is not the easiest thing to plan and can cost a bit of money. As for food preparation, BBQ catering can be a great help for the host and hostess. Also, corporate catering can help organize and help you choose the food you want to serve at your next company picnic.

A few things go into the planning of a party. Whether you are organizing a wedding, a graduation celebration, a birthday, or just a fun party for no reason, there is going to have to be a plan. The first thing that you would need to do is pick a budget for your party. Some parties can be expensive; especially the weddings or more fancy ones. However, there are ways to make your party low budget. If it is just a random party that you are throwing for the fun of it, it might be a good idea to go in on it with some friends and make it a neighborhood party.

The next thing on the party to do list is to invite the guests. Making sure that you send out the invites in time is very crucial because you want to make sure that they have enough time to plan for it. Also, make sure that you tell them to RSVP. This can give you a chance to plan better so that you do not have too much leftover food. Once you get the general idea of how many people will be coming, you can start on the next step to the perfect event.

Food and decorations are main parts to the planning of your event. Food is last minute and therefore, requires a lot of planning and preparation in order to make it perfect when the part arrives. Getting a caterer to handle the food for you can be the best possible thing you could do because let's face it; planning a party is no simple deal. Since there are so many other things to do, this could be one less thing you would have to worry about.

Making a budget, picking people and sending out invitations, and buying food and decorations are all the essential parts that are needed to produce a wonderful party. You will have a ton of fun and with the use of a caterer, you can spend more time enjoying yourself. You can also get credit for having good food at a party when all you had to do was call and make the arrangements. Going in on a party with some other people can also cut down the cost and then you will not have to worry about getting everything together on your own.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Children's Birthday Party Games

It 'important to understand that, as your child reaches their second or third birthday, their mother are more likely to be even, and relying on not understanding the full meaning of birthday party games. Your son will definitely love to play alongside others of his age group, but he / she can snatch toys to other children cry without knowing why. Some may even bite and kick. Although this can be quite embarrassing, remember that this behavior is normal for a child of thisAge. E 'therefore extremely important that the right party birthday party game is selected and planning.

An ideal game birthday party for children of this age would only be something, but with prices at the end of their efforts.

Make sure children know many people attending the birthday party. Purchase small gifts, so that each child receives two gifts each. Wrap the gifts of Nice, and the number of card each. Cut out cardboard starsColor, and this, too. Number with corresponding numbers that are gifts, even a small piece of tape for each star. Prepare some sticks, enough so that every child each has a stick, rods or sticks of confetti would work well and make a small piece of magnet at the end of each session.

When choosing gifts for the party game, remember that the things that stimulate their imagination would be better. Things like coloring books and pencils,Play dough, boy reading books, etc., are the best.

Take a bag fiber poles and lay on the floor to represent a cloud, and then place the stars on a bed of poly-fiber. Each child has two rounds to capture a star. The number of stars that correspond to the numbers of gifts, then that guy wins these two gifts to be won. Make sure children are cared for full and ensure that each of them only two laps. Children do not understand the rules well, so it is importantmake them understand if they were in line. In short, keep it simple.

It 'important for the start of the game's birthday party into play during the day, how many children this age are still common, with an afternoon nap. Also keep the birthday party pretty quick. Children start to get bored after a while '. As an indicator, the hours of celebration, this food no more than 2 products, which is included.

Bridging gaps with short birthday partyGames such as Simon says o'roses ring or dance music are great and fun to pass the time. After all the excitement, you might consider reading them a story to calm them before returning to their homes.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Kids Party Games

birthday party games are an essential part of your planning process of the party. No Games Kids Party is complete without a party. The most important rule when a party for children to deal with them. It 's a recipe for disaster if you are not enough activities. Children do not sit still, if we do something for them to do something and not necessarily what you chose to find!

Here is aList of indoor and outdoor party games that children love to play! Also check our website for a full list of party games 30!

Drama in a bag

1) Divide the children into teams.
2) Give each team a bag with various items such as an apple, cup, comb, and toys (no more than 5 points).
3) Give the kids 15 minutes a skit that contains all the items in his bag to create.
4) Then you run the skit. If you want to have aWinners and select the team that their products are best used in the skit.

Silly Photo

1) Provide children with props like fake mustaches (made from felt), sunglasses, wigs, hats, clown noses, fake tattoos, etc.
2) Then take pictures of stupid children to take home to celebrate, as a treaty.

Copy Cat

1) that children in a circle.
2) The birthday child begins the game by the movement of a body part like a hand waving, shaking her hips,protrude their tongue, etc.
3) The child is next in the first movements of the child to repeat a movement and add them. The game continues around the circle with each child repeated earlier movements and their own addition.
4) When a child can not remember the previous sentence or even a wrong move, they are.

Obstacle Course

You will need a stopwatch for this game.
1) Create a crazy obstacle course. There are tons of ways to make the courseFun with all the products a day. a) Use chairs that children need to crawl under, b) they are running up a tree, c) an enclosure tag, d) sitting or stomp on a balloon and pop it in and stop) and blows a bubble with the gum before, f) a shot of a basketball rim, g) jump rope for five times, h), when 10 push ups / jumping jacks / cartwheel. These are just some ideas.
2) Have each child through the course to complete each mission, while his time with the stopwatch.
3) Who has the fastest timewins.

Duck Pond

1) Are you a swimming pool for children, a small network (need a network aquarium works well), several rubber ducks (as many ducks as you have guests), and as many prizes as you duck.
2) Put the numbers on the bottom of each duck (with a waterproof marker) and the number of each lot.
3 have each child use the internet to try to reach a duck. Once a duck, get price equal to the number on the bottom of open duck caught.
4) To make the game moreis an exciting price golden eggs. Use pull a gold marker (waterproof), a golden egg on the bottom of a duck. Who receives the duck with the golden egg gets the prize "Golden Egg. The price should be a bit 'hotter then the other awards.

Toothpicks Marshmallow Game

1) For these children share a Kids Party Game in two groups and have two children in the competition for time.
2) Have the children race to see who can build the tallest tower in a Marsh Mallowgiven free time.

What It Is Candy

1) For those kids party game, you have different flavors of Nestle chocolate, like Snickers, Milky Way, Crunch, Kit Kat, M & Ms, Hershey bars, 3 Musketeers, Twix and so on.
2) Melt each chocolate in the microwave. Give the caramel melted into small portions for each child.
3) children all tastes, melted chocolate and candy have to guess what it is. Never guess who is, rightly, that chocolatebar as a prize. Sure, give fresh, unmelted chocolate bars as prizes.


1) those guys in the game you have a tray, and provides that party.
2) Put the supply by more than a tray, like a party hat, balloon (not inflated), banners, candles, invitations, cupcake, and so on. You must be at least 10 points.
3) Allow the children to search all the items on the tray for 1 minute.
4) Take away the tray, and then have theChildren guess what is on the tray. Who will win the most correct answers.

What animal six

1) Switch from animal stickers for each child.
2) Have each child imitates their animals and other children must guess which animal they are.

Hot Potato

1) Place children in a circle. Listen to music as you pass an object around the circle. The object should not be a potato can be.
2) stop the music and whose objectWinners.
3) Keep playing until one child remains. He is the winner.

Good Dip

1) those guys Party Game Fill a large bowl or bucket with a little 'soft as mashed potatoes or noodles.
2) Hide small objects in the entire mass of squishy.
3) Give the kids a lot of time to get my hands in muddy substance and find an object.
4) you get to keep what they find.

Balloon Win

For these boys a party game set)Notes on a-balls. Choose to put a couple balloons found that winners say. Blow up balloons and put them all around the area of the party.
to find 2) Tell the children, each a balloon.
3) One by one they see every child pop their balloons, they are a winner.
4) Children with balloons involved with degrees, receiving an award.

Balloon Stomp

1) Those Kids Party Game, attach a 3 foot piece of string / ribbon to a balloon and the otherParty guests to an ankle.
2) Do the same for each child.
3) The object is for children between them to get their balloons to pop, while keeping the ball right.
4) The last child with an inflated balloon of the winners.

Bubble Boy (or girl)

1) Party Game boys paddling pool filled with water and bubble mix.
2) Place a step stool in the middle of the pool motor.
3) Place a hula-hoop in the pool by taking a step stool
4)Let each child step stool and then drag the hula hoop for the child.
5) The child is in a giant bubble.

Musical gifts

1) that children sit in a circle and listen to music, while children spend a wrapped gift.
2) When the music stops the child holding the gift arrives to keep it.

Sack Hop

A) Divide the children into two teams.
2) Align and give them their first child on each team a large pillow.
3) IfBoth children are on the sidelines pillow. should go to a predetermined mark-hop and return as quickly as possible. Then the hand from the pillow to the next link in the series of their team. Each member of each team gets a turn.
4) The team that wins the first over.

Remember That verse

1) This game works best with pre-adolescent children to meet.
2) Before the party together against a list of popular songs. We recommendhave the birthday child can help you.
3) If the game is to read with children have only one part of the verse and children, fill the rest when the children are fat, they sing the rest of the verse.

Riddle Me This

1) For those kids puzzle party brought into play the cards and then give each child a turn to choose a card.
2) When the puzzles get it right get a prize. (You can help with references to each according to age group).
ExamplesRiddle: "This is the place to learn more and play with my friends" (Answer: in school), "I may be used to help with homework, ask friends or play" (Answer: computer), "I'm cold or freezing, depending on the door (Answer: To open a refrigerator).

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Barney Party Games for kids

Barney party games are likely to need pre-school age and are geared toward children in children. To this end, I play well I keep a Wee stakeholders.

The first game of Barney party is called "Tournament of tissue '. Get all standing or sitting in a circle and give everyone a fun straw. It starts by visitors who hold a tissue to her breathing through a straw and their let the suction can cause tissueagainst the straw until the end. Next tell you everything you try to go all the fabrics around the circle with a straw, without the fall of the fabric to the ground. I hope you are next to an adult who can demonstrate the existence of the fabric sitting will. In this way the children get a good idea of how it works. This is just a fun activity, and if the tissues are not falling on the floor of the customer who ordered and just back from the tissue aroundthe circle with their straw.

'Name Ripple' is a fun party activity, you can use those to help children to know the other Barney yours. This game involves saying someone's name when creating a physical movement. Get all in a circle, the length of an arm's length.

Then start the name of party games with Barney the words of one guest name and implement a physical activity that you sell. For example, Ralph screamleap forward and plunge into a movement. Then the person left to repeat this movement and the next and the next person until the person you have called Ralph. Ralph is another name and a different movement to collect and run the new movement 'is the name of ripple be repeated until the called party. Keep do this until all the parties named Barney.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Office Party Games

Together is a lot more work - just think of all the major parties and office hours you can get up to some 'bad time less difficult. Well, we have some great ideas games help office that his party a sure success - and we also have some ideas for invitations free party where everyone receives.

Office Party Ideas

Looking for ideas for party officeGames>? Well, here are some that you can use:

Celebrity Couples - Volume of a name to every person who walks through the door. This name must be paired with a different name as part of a famous couple. Each couple must find each other by other people about who they are. The first pair to find each other wins.

Spoons - Spoons in the middle of the table set and then the players are evenly distributed around the table. When the whistle is blown every persontrying to grab as many spoons as possible, while those who received the least to lose and sit for the rest of the game. The last person remaining in the game is the winner.

Liberal Party Invitations

Need Free party invitations, make sure that everyone has your big event? These calls have not (and should) not look cheap, but only as she and her colleagues are.

This can be done quickly and easily with Web 2.0. These tools have made it possible to put together a web page with photos, videos, music and more, without any special technical knowledge and without a penny.

If your free web page all you have to do is create email invitations sent to your guest list has told them where to find the page with the details and respond.

While they are there to see who else has responded and come from the chatter> Party as night begins to help break the ice on the real.

Are you worried that some of your colleagues do not pass, because you forget? "Well, it's easy to set up automatic reminder e-mail to go out the day, so I really have no excuse.

It is also recommended to help prepare people to help in the planning office and other games. Look at our activities will be responsible for the coordination of the efforts of people and ensure thatall have their part to help a great success.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Couple Party Games Bratz

This game can Bratz Sleepover Party or a birthday party more interesting for you and your guests. Just be sure to have an antidote for the giggles at hand.

The first game is called "taste buds". You've probably heard of this concept before, but it's fun for a job and a good excuse to get something to eat more. You will need bandages for each of the players at the party Bratz, a collection of various drinks and tableware for all,and pen and paper to themselves.

Are players on their blindfolds and sample the first drinks marketing. Then each call is out, what they think is the drink. You can start with some simple drinks as distinctive grape lemonade. Some suggestions are milk chocolate, plain milk, lemon water, lemon juice, coffee, cool-aid and soft drinks such as lemon, lime, grape, and root beer. The person who guesses correctly wins the most drinks. If you find more than one person has the sameQuantity guesses correctly, then you can take a show and add some other unconventional liquids, such as, soy sauce, chicken broth, and the sauce. If guests of the festival Bratz too squeamish to try it, the game does not try to force them to maintain the good mood of the party.

The second game is called "nodes". This is a fun puzzle game that some Bratz on the hands and minds of all the visitors to solve. Have all players in a circle withhands in the middle of the group. This can only be used for up to ten people, as the district begins to get too big otherwise. With all their players in a circle close their eyes and hold hands with one of many hands in the circle. Keep your eyes closed, as you do this and not on the hands with someone close to you or hold hands with the same person to hold. Each hand holds a different hand.

After all hold hands, you can open all yourOur eyes and feel the knot that was created by the transfer and again in a circle to reverse. Do not worry about maintaining a death grip on his hand is thought good enough for hand contact with that person. Keep in mind that can never solve the knot, no matter how hard try, but it is a fun game for the Bratz theme party and all Was a giggle at the end.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Free Party Games: Free Fun for Everyone!

Once you have decided on a party theme for everything that is easy to think of fun game ideas, but if you can not, party game ideas are easy to find online for free. Of course, the kind of games you play depends on the type of party, age of players, where the party takes place, and other factors. Party games and activities add excitement to parties and boredom. The Party and Games Activities include puzzles,physical games, crafts and quizzes. If the shower is an adult party, a theme party, birthdays, anniversaries, weddings, bridal or baby games add entertainment to any type.

party games, all games Free Democratic Party and the activities are above most effective when they are set to music or a particular topic and are particularly important in children, elimination games where parties (asbe played musical chairs). There should be involved more fun for children, because if one is "child out have something to occupy themselves as a party game free theme color copied, printed, and games are available for calm Provided in a special" quiet "Party section. Quiet activities are also needed for outdoor parties, such as pool parties.

free party games are often products of fantasy or employed by creative minds, but I do not feel bad ifNeed a little 'help with ideas from books, magazines and online sources. There are so many fun, party ideas, free, and most of the fittings needed for home games cost or use in your small items easily accessible. Cutting-masks for a Mardi Gras theme in one part of black paper and left over materials, beads, sequins, glitter glue or costs virtually nothing, only by the imagination of guests limited.

Cutting party hatsto decorate for New Year celebrations, from construction paper and elements you have at home, and with great ideas for white children in your family. New Year's Eve celebrations are only for adults and free games and crafts makes no difference, regardless of the type of party you have in mind!

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Summer Fun shares

Have you ever wanted to host a picturesque courtyard summer festival in your country? Many families across the country in summer holidays in particular for the summer holidays. They invite their friends and neighbors, and have a blast. Summer is the time for fun, food and family, and the parties are the perfect way to incorporate all these things. Although it is not the easiest thing to plan and cost a bit 'of money. In preparation for the food, catering barbecue is a great help for the host andHostess. In addition, the catering company to organize and help you find the food you want at your next company picnic to serve.

A couple of things go into planning a party. Whether you are organizing a wedding, a graduation party, birthday, or just a fun party for any reason, there are sort of a plan. The first thing you should do is raise a budget for your party. Some parts can be expensive, especially the fantasy weddings or moreones. However, there are ways for his party on a low budget. If it is just a party in the event that you walk for fun, party could be a good idea to go with some friends and make one quarter.

The next thing on the list of party-do is to invite guests. To help you send out invitations in time is very important because it ensures that they have enough time, because they want to plan. Also, make sure you tell himto RSVP. This can give you the opportunity to plan better so that uneaten food is not too much. Once you have the general idea of how many people will, it is possible next steps to start the perfect event.

Food and decor are important parts of planning your event. The food at the last minute and thus requires a lot of planning and preparation to make it perfect, when the part arrives. Started a catering service for the best food, you gripcould do, because let's face it, planning a party is simply not manage. Since there are so many other things to do, this could be a bit 'what would be cause for concern.

Creating a budget, collecting and sending invitations to the people and the purchase of food and decorations are all essential parts of this party are required to produce a fine. They have a lot of fun and using a caterer, you can spend more time and yourself, you may also recognize thatgood food at a party when all you had to do was call and procedures. in a party with a few other people also reduce the ongoing costs and therefore will not have their own take care of everything together.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Easy Birthday Party Indoor & Outdoor Games

The games are a must for every child's birthday, especially for children age pre-adolescents aged between five and ten. You should be willing to go three games to two, holding the third largest reserve, if you can find at the end, you have more time available before the festival is planned. Plan to play before collecting the children opening presents and sitting down for some cake and ice cream. After playing a few games guidemore willing to stand in silence for some minutes.

You do not want to spend a fortune on games for the birthday child is enough. Cost will be some small prizes, and a small goody bag when the practice in your area. We want to see the goody bags to leave, but in most areas that a "Fat Chance" Dream.

Here are two games that you can easily up inside or outside, you have no concerns about bad weather. When possible, plan the courseplay outside, where there is plenty of room to run off excess energy and less fragile objects.

Drop the Penny

You will need: 1) for each child one or two pennies, poker chips, tokens or any other property that is small enough and easy to carry, 2), four identical plastic cups that you do not tip easily, 3) a strip of adhesive tape to mark the starting line for each team.

Put a bowl near the starting line of each team and two bowls a distance in a straight line. Youcan make them more distant when playing outdoors. Fill the Cup away from each team with your money or other tokens.

Divide the children into two teams lined up one after another on the start line. When you call the "GO", the first player from each team runs to the bowl and the home team gets two pawns, one in each hand. He runs back to his team to cut the starting line and tried to leave a drop in the bowl element, without her hand drop below the waist. Thenturns and drops his voice with his other hand into the bowl with the same terms and taps the next player in line who then does the same.

If each player has a number of states the team with the most money or other objects in their bowl victories.

For younger children use, great bowls to catch the deleted items. The age of the child, the smaller shells that can, within reason, of course. Try it yourself - it is not easy to drop a little 'closer to your "other"Hand!

Sweep / Bat the ball

This is another simple relay that works for all ages:

You will need: 1) light or broomstick to sweep two bats with a function for each team - good outdoor croquet mallet, 2) two rubber balls light, the bigger the tape player, 2) marking the start and the finish line.

Line the children into two groups. Do not allow to select all teams, as it deteriorated rapidly into a popularity contest. Be firstChild in each line a broom or a bat.

The goal is to sweep the floor or hit the ball from the starting line to the finish. The ball can not in any way except to be touched by the broom or a stick until he crossed the finish line. The ball must move on the ground, not air. If the ball goes from the ground the child back to the starting line and must start from scratch. This rule prevents the destruction of your smart Athletic type of plant indoors orloses the ball over a fence outside.

Put a ball on the starting line before each team. When you say "go", the first son team swept and bats his ball over the goal line. When the ball crosses the goal line, the child takes the ball and handling the ball and a bat or broom to the next person in line. The next player puts the ball on the ground without being over the start line and do the same. The first team until the end wins.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Christmas Party Games - Decorating The Tree

Christmas party games, family gatherings, decorations and gifts make the holiday season special. In many homes, the holiday season includes the Christmas tree decked in all its glory. Often, decorating the tree is a traditional event shared by the whole family. But how did this tradition start? Who decorated the first Christmas tree and why?

Decorated Christmas trees can be traced back to the ancient Romans. During their winter festival or Saturnalia, the Roman's decorated trees with small pieces of metal in honor of Saturnus, the god of agriculture. Decorated trees and games were enjoyed throughout the festival.

Centuries ago in Great Britain, Druids, or wood priest as they were called, used evergreens during winter solstice rituals. During these rituals, The Druids played games and used holly and mistletoe as symbols of eternal life. They also placed evergreen branches over doors to keep away evil spirits.

During the middle ages the Paradise tree, which was an evergreen, was decorated with apples as a symbol of the feast of Adam and Eve. This feast was held on December 24th.

In 1531 Christmas trees were sold in Alsace. Alsace was at that time a part of Germany. Today it is part of France. The trees were sold at local markets to be placed in homes but were not decorated. In Alsace, there was an ordinance that stated no person "shall have for Christmas more than one bush of more than eight shoe lengths."

Sixteenth century folklore credited Martin Luther as being the first to decorate an indoor tree. After a walk through a forest of evergreens with shining stars overhead, Luther tried to describe the experience to his family and showed them by bringing a tree into their home and decorating it with candles. Some historians dispute this stating that the first evidence of a lighted tree appeared more than a century after Martin Luther's death in 1546.

The oldest record of a decorated Christmas tree came from a 1605 diary found in Strasburg, France (Germany in 1605). The tree was decorated with paper roses, apples and candies.

In Austria & Germany during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, the tops of evergreens were cut and hung upside down in a living room corner. They were decorated with apples, nuts and strips of red paper. Creating the decorations was a festive event that included playing games and other merriment much like Christmas party games played today.

The Christmas tree tradition has remained as an important part of the season in Germany. It is the center of their holiday celebration and no home is without a decorated tree. The tree is setup undecorated and remains undecorated until Christmas Eve. While undecorated, the tree is appreciated for its natural beauty and the wonderful pine scent it brings inside. The tree is decorated with countless candles, golden fruits and shimmering ornaments. The decorated and lit tree is introduced Christmas Eve much to the wonderment and delight of the children. The day continues with fun, food and Christmas games.

Christmas trees came to America when the German Moravian Church settled in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, in 1747. The trees were meant as an amusement for the children. The tree itself was not used but wooden pyramids covered with the tree's evergreen branches were decorated with candles.

Another record of Christmas trees in America was during the War of Independence when it was introduced by Hessian troops.

The first Christmas tree in Britain was said to be setup at Windsor Castle by Queen Victoria's husband, Prince Albert, in 1834. Some historians state that it was actually Queen Charlotte, Victoria's grandmother, who had the introduced the Christmas tree to the royal family at the Queen's lodge at Windsor on Christmas Day in 1800.

The custom of decorating trees was introduced by Charles Minnegrode of Williamsburg, Virginia in the year of 1842. This became a Christmas tradition that includes the gathering of family and friends, playing Christmas party games and eating favorite sweets.

The Christmas tree became fashionable in the 1850's. Until this time, it had been considered a quaint foreign custom.

In 1851, Mark Carr brought trees from the Catskills to the streets of New York. Carr hauled two ox-drawn sleds full of evergreen trees into New York City and sold them all. Thus the Christmas tree market was born in America.

The first White House tree was introduced by President Franklin Pierce in 1856. It was setup for a group of local Sunday school children. President Calvin Coolidge started the first national Christmas tree tradition and lighting ceremony in 1923.

By 1900, one in five American families had a Christmas tree, and 20 years later, the custom was nearly universal. Nearly every Christian American household today celebrates the holiday season with a decorated tree. Other holiday traditions have remained from the origins of the Christmas tree that include a tree decorating parties, feasts of traditional foods and playing Christmas party games.


Christmas traditions make the season a special time. We all enjoy them but how did these traditions begin? Find out how decorating the Christmas tree became one of the most popular holiday traditions.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Holidays - Canada Day - God Keep Our Land

Recently I decided to visit my sister and her family who live about 800 kilometres from my home.

I didn't have to get permission from anyone to make the trip. I was able to fill the tank of my car with gas using money that I had earned myself. My start time was one that I chose on my own.

As I drove, I was able to enjoy the countryside that had not been ravaged by war or weather disturbances. In fact, the natural beauty was enhanced by the sight of farmers who were diligently planting the spring crops with hope for a fall harvest.

At various times I could use my iPhone to communicate with my sister who was eagerly anticipating the arrival.

There weren't any border crossings or questioning soldiers to stop me on the highway. I hadn't been required to obtain or present a Passport to anyone in order to travel.

I could choose where I would stop to shop or eat along the way. Never was there any sign of discrimination or favouritism in the venues. In fact, the service was accompanied by smiles and good wishes.

As I journeyed down the number one highway I took the opportunity to drive through my hometown to relive memories of my youth. I passed through a neighbouring town and by the house where my grandparents had welcomed me for visits as a child and thought about the values they had demonstrated through their life choices.

I took advantages of a map which I had been given to me without charge and even considered the best route to my destination with my GPS.

Clean bathroom facilities which were accessed as needed along the way were all provided without charge.

We had three days of visiting and sharing an abundance of good food. Farm neighbours drove over for visits and the laughter would make any listener believe that we did have a care in the world.

And then it was home again. Tanks of gas, purchased without concern for the cost. A stop for a luxurious lunch at a spa. Good roads, attractive scenery and peace.

We live in an amazing country!

As we approach Canada Day we need to consider our blessings. We don't have to worry about hurricanes, tsunamis, typhoons or damaging oil spills. Our earth has been protected from wars and riots. We have an economy that provides work opportunities and governments at different levels that invest in infrastructure which makes our lives easier. Most of all, however, we enjoy the beauty associated with living in a free country where we can make individual choices about how we will live.

It's time to celebrate, give thanks and honour our country. Remember to hold the words of our national anthem in your heart as a prayer not just on July 1st but every day of the year.

God keep our land glorious and free.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Christmas Party Games for Children

Christmas party games will delight both kids and their busy, holiday-stressed parents! Hosting a holiday celebration this year? Maybe you're in charge of the school Christmas party? Wondering how to keep the kiddies happy and entertained during the festivities? Entertain the little ones during Christmas celebrations and get-togethers with printable Christmas party games! Printable games can be easily downloaded and printed from your computer. There are many great games that will keep them entertained and give the adults some time to relax while the little ones play games. Who knows the names of all Santa's reindeer? Who can pin the star on the tree? Try one of these games for easy party fun!

Pin the Star on the Christmas Tree

The Christmas version of the all time favorite kids' game! You print the tree and the star, tack tree to a wall and the kids try to pin the star on the tree blindfolded. Kids love playing this game over and over.

Christmas Lost and Found

Children match a picture only game card to the matching picture on the "lost" items sheet. The perfect game for kids who can't read & those who can! A Christmas game for kids of all ages!

Christmas Trivia for Kids

Just for the kids! Players will have fun trying to answer questions about Santa's reindeer, Frosty the Snowman, the Grinch and other children's favorite holiday interests. A fun kids Christmas game sure to produce giggles!

Santa's Nose & Toes

Given these fun little word clues, see who can figure out the names of these common parts of Santa Clause! Great for the wee little ones. Kids love this Christmas game!

Reindeer Mix Up!

Santa has his reindeer's names all mixed up! Who can un-mix this jumble of letters to come up with all the reindeer names and then figure out who's missing? A certain reindeer song will help the kids with this Christmas game!

Holiday Word Finds

Great for the older children. How many Christmas words can be found in a jumble of letters? Choose from traditional Christmas words or holiday terms that are nonreligious (great for the school Christmas party).

Holiday Crosswords

Christmas crosswords are fun for young and old! Family members can solve this together. Great for classroom parties or any holiday get together!

Though the holiday can be stressful with all that has to be done. It's a great time to relax and spend quality time with friends, family and especially the children in your life. Christmas party games make planning quality time easy and everyone will have fun playing them. Create holiday memories in your house with Christmas party games.